Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Different Types of Banking: Key Points To Know

Different Types of Banking: Key Points To Know: Para banking activities are defined as those banking activities which a bank performs apart from its daily activities like withdrawal or deposit of money.

Establishment years of Financial Institutions in India

Establishment years of Financial Institutions in India: Organization
Establishments Year
Imperial Bank of India (Now State Bank of India)
Reserve bank of India ( Nationalisation of RBI took place on January 1,1949)
April 1,1935
Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI)

History of Banking in India: Key Points To Remember

History of Banking in India: Key Points To Remember: Banking in India has a very long history starting from the late 18 th century. The origin of modern banking started from 1770 in the name of “Bank of Hindustan” by English agency

Banking and Financial Committees in India

Banking and Financial Committees in India: Here is the list of various Committees and their main Focus Areas. AK Bhuchar Committee
Coordination Between Term Lending Institutions And Commercial Banks
B Eradi Committee
Insolvency And Wind Up Laws

Banking Sector Reforms From 1786 to 1991

Banking Sector Reforms From 1786 to 1991: 1.First Phase: 1786 To 1969.
2. Second Phase: 1969 To 1991.
3.Third Phase: After 1991 i.e. Reformatory Phase.