Friday, May 10, 2013

Once an SBIan, forever SBIan

I became nostalgic yesterday, of course like every other day when a group of senior functionaries of the bank (DGM/2 AGMs / 2 CMs) from SBI visited me in campus.  Interestingly, in the evening, I met another ex-SBI female colleague from Mumbai Central Office when I was there during 1984-1992. Having been a proud member of the SBI family for over two decades, got nurtured in the profession thoroughly by a variety of bosses and the system, it is just impossible for me to move away from SBI memories even in thoughts though I quit the bank two decades back.  So, the relationship is over four decades.  As a Pensioner, ex-Banker, now a Professor and active in several social net-working sites, I keep running in to many of my ex-colleagues in various capacities.  I am proud and lucky for this god-sent opportunity. Long Live SBIans.

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